Madeleine Shaw interview
Be Ceremonial
Madeleine and Suzanne’s transition: coming full circle
Reflections on 30 years of menstrual health and equity leadership
We should all be more like Yvon
How This Entrepreneur’s Company Is Reimagining the Period Aisle
How to Find Your “Why” as a Social Entrepreneur
Grow Ensemble
9 Captivating Spring Reads By Canadian Authors
7 Fun Ways to Create an Extraordinary Vision
Real Leaders
5 New Books for Finding Purpose and Aspiring toward the Greater Good
The Conscious Investor
Vancouver Mom Book Club December 2021
Vancouver Mom
Soul Traits of Social Entrepreneurs
The Greater Good: Get ready to find a new way of doing business
The Charity Report
Why this period-care brand is offering a “cradle to grave” analysis
Vogue Business